Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Learn How to get extra Cash back for shopping in-store as well as online shopping

Most people are aware of Cash back from there credit card, where they get 1% to 2% on all the purchases they do either it is online shopping or offline shopping.

If you are among those who does more of the shopping online as well as Offline Shopping that can me anything then here is one of the way to get extra Cash back.

We can get extra cash back from 1% to 15% by using same credit card and at times with seasonal offers the percentage Cash back goes double.

To get above benefits we need to join E-bates for FREE (Completely Free to use).

E-bates is an affiliate partner with more then 2000+ stores in USA and Canada and when a Member
does visit these stores from e-bates sites and does the shopping e-bates will get some commission and out of that commission E-bates will pay back some of that commission to its members.

presently this works only for the members from USA and Canada only.

All though joining is completely free and there is no contract, No upgrade required just need to join the system and add there Browser extension, rest it does all the work does by itself.

Steps to follow.

Once the Browser Extensions is added to your browser and when ever we visit any online shopping site it does popup and show us how much % of cash back is available from that site. we just need to click the Activate button to activate the Cash back offer.

Once the button is clicked it will redirect us to the same site through there affiliate link and when we complete the shopping the Cash back amount will get appear in our e-bates account with-in 7 days and for some of the other purchases it will take up-to 30 days to get cash back added, but it will get added for sure if not help and support section is always there for any quires.

As per in-store shopping Cash back there is a little one time procedure need to do apply which has explain in details in the site "in-store cash back" section.

The minimum Cash-out threshold is $5 which can be requested by check or can withdraw it to your PayPal account.

One of Check received from e-bates

If you join today you can get free Joining Bonus from $5 to $10 Cash or Online Gift card added to your E-bates account.

& Get $5 to $10 Welcome Bonus*
Total Cash Back Earned by Members: $325,000,000+